My world

Glimpses of the world I know I will create... Someday

Monday 12 March 2007

Standing tall

Feel proud of what you are, before you try to become what you want to be Enjoy every thing you do, fill your words with joy for others to see People see you through your action Give them your best definition When all fall before you, when all behind fall back. Stand your ground, do not loose your track. You have to be in front to lead, and behind to follow. So stay and set an example for others to follow. If you made a mistake, look straight and say yes. They might not think high of you, they might think less. If your thoughts are shirked by others, and you know you are right. Look up straight, stand and fight. People might think different, people might despise you Remember all great men were mocked, but in the end those who didn’t follow were few Get the fear of being different outside you, you cannot be liked by all Remember you might fall, but what ever the result you will stand tall


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