My world

Glimpses of the world I know I will create... Someday

Monday 19 March 2007

Broken Promises

The world is all around, but so full of corners
People all the same, but no two alike
Destinies clash, nations fall
Few people rejoice, while the rest are left to strive
Ideas are forced upon
Imaginations suppressed, dreams crucified
Hope was long left behind dead.

Crying from deep within
A voice, a desire to be free, to be an individual
A voice the society might term lunacy
A mockery of tradition, a horrific ritual
I leave the lines here incomplete,
There is not an end to this, only beginnings.
With every beginning a new hope,
With every end a broken promise.


Tuesday 13 March 2007

Chasing Clouds

I remember those days in the back, When we worked side by side in the shack You smiled at me and I smiled back, Time got lost in its own track. I remember those days when we were never apart, Even the longest life line seemed so short. We did things we would have never thought, I remember the grin on your face which to hide you fought. I remember those days and times difficult to trace, The time I spent on you in gaze. You moved around like poetry and phrase In a gentle rhythm which could put all inert in daze. I remember those hours of the days The time we chose to part our ways I chased a cloud reached out for your hand You refused, I left and saw you stand. Now I fret in hate and regret, Waiting for the day you and I would have met. So I can grab you from yourself and lose myself For i know now that all this while I was chasing a bluff


Passion at its peak
Perseverance at its best
This life is fuelled by pride
Desire to win is what helps the ride

Compromise is a word hard to forget,
Of lost time I can only regret.
I will not run and I will not hide,
This life of mine has had no sweet side.

Pretty palaces I might not build,
But I will lead a life without guilt.
Honesty does not win friends,
Not all stories have happy ends.

Crazy I might seem to others,
But they know they know not that this boat does not tether,
Friends are always there
But I walk alone.



When do I show what breathes inside me A child waiting to be free, To be cared and pampered a lot Giving little but taking a lot. When do I show what resides inside me A hero waiting for an opportunity To try to go where others have failed Then walk the streets to be hailed When do I show what lies beneath me A beast conspiring to be released, Fuelled by ego and pride Curbed by sanity and beaten down by Tides When do I show what hides within me A survivor in search of a destiny. Aimlessly wandering crossing many a fray Battle weary but still hoping for dawning day When do I show what lingers inside me A lover ready to endure an eternity, Devoted, passionate and caring Satisfying, creative and daring

I am Waiting

Looking at the clouds gather, Hold each one of them together. Gently it starts to pour, And it is gloomy no more. I step out in to the open, Every eye sees me frozen. My eyes meet up with none They are searching for the oneJ. Our eyes meet each other, Talking like the gentle wind and feather, Your words hold mine and mine yours, And our thoughts embrace one another. I am standing here outside alone, Letting the rain sweeten my breadth . Out here it is cold, But the warmth from your eyes makes me boldJ. Why don’t you come and hold my hand, Why don’t you come beside me and stand. Lets in stand silence together And let the rain do the talking. None around us matter Their noises will be drowned in the chatter This wait for you is hurting, Come take my hand I am waiting

Monday 12 March 2007

My Mind

Look outside and I get confused,
Look inside my mind and everything seems fused.
Everything from the day I started this journey looked like a well rehearsed play,
I disguised into different roles and changed, so did the world around me,
Not missing a single chance to make me feel out of place.
It rolled me over, I rode on.
It deceived me, I rode on.
It challenged me, I rode on.
I rode on not because I am strong but because I had no other choice, I want to
see where this journey ends. In light, or in abyss.
I am strong now but life finds my weaknesses, has a habit of straying in my mind and finding what I am thinking.
I don’t think at all at times, the world seems blank like a plate wiped clean after it is out of the dish washer.
It screeches if you rub it. Same is my mind.
Feel cold at times, helpless when it strays into deep waters.
Feel the fish nibbling into my body as it is drained of strength.
This is how I feel when I think of my past.
To others it seems like lost prizes and void efforts, but to me it is lost pride and face.
I dream, I fight, I struggle and should win. Isn’t that what all say is true? The good will prevail.
Problem is I don’t know which side of the fence I stand in and what is it that
distinguishes one from the other.
I stay for now a silent spectator one among the many, thoughtless, forgiving and inept.
I wish this was a dream and I want to wake up, strong and fresh as in every beginning.
My fate lays in others hands, a few who are selfish the rest who don’t care.
And my future hangs in a balance.
I try to please people I don’t like, I try to like people who don’t please.
How many against my wish should I appease, how long can I go without crossing
the part that has been given to me.
This I don’t know, I and I wish I never come to know.

In this life you have to keep giving, nobody cares but you have to.
Nobody finds out when you are gone, nobody feels you when you are there.
You have to keep giving and take what you want or you lose
Those who take a lot are termed successful, not the ones that give the most



Not all people are correct all the time,Not all the moments in your life are worth a dime.At times when you want to be some place,With people you like and those who understand your space.I felt this and my thought is strong,Forgive me if you feel I am wrong.

Sometimes you try hard to make it,But well it is fate that you don’t make it.Do you blame yourself or another?Well you can’t do either.I felt this and my thought is strong,Forgive me if you feel I am wrong.

I tried hard and I failed,Well I wonder how anyone else would have scaled.I couldn’t leave a friend behind,Even if I had a promise to which I had to bind.I felt this and my thought is strong,Forgive me if you feel I am wrong.

Forgive me and it will make me feel worse,Don’t and it will taunt and will be a curse.I understand you feeling of angst,But you should understand my feeling regret.I felt this and my thought is strong,Forgive me if you feel I am wrong.

My intention was not to disappoint, but not to abandon and all my effort had gone into balance these.But effort was futile. I have said all I have to and it is up to you to decide


Harder I try to control The more it pushes. I try to shift my focus to my goal The pain inside me dwells. I have tried to curb, to destroy and distract, I failed each time and each time I fell harder. Tried to pretend it was not there, But the pain persisted and I grew madder. Ghosts of my past seem to haunt, Memories of the days lost in my memory. They push me and taunt, Acts of maim, forgiveness and treachery. This hole it has created, This crater that cannot be filled. I cannot get used to the pain But this sense of familiarity it has built. Should I let time choose the path for me? For I cant think when I am so hurt. Will I get over this pain I have Or will it make me bite the dirt.

And then it happens….

Feel proud of what you are, before you try to become what you want to be Enjoy every thing you do, fill your words with joy for others to see People see you through your action Give them your best definition When all fall before you, when all behind fall back. Stand your ground, do not loose your track. You have to be in front to lead, and behind to follow. So stay and set an example for others to follow. If you made a mistake, look straight and say yes. They might not think high of you, they might think less. If your thoughts are shirked by others, and you know you are right. Look up straight, stand and fight. People might think different, people might despise you Remember all great men were mocked, but in the end those who didn’t follow were few Get the fear of being different outside you, you cannot be liked by all Remember you might fall, but what ever the result you will stand tall

Standing tall

Feel proud of what you are, before you try to become what you want to be Enjoy every thing you do, fill your words with joy for others to see People see you through your action Give them your best definition When all fall before you, when all behind fall back. Stand your ground, do not loose your track. You have to be in front to lead, and behind to follow. So stay and set an example for others to follow. If you made a mistake, look straight and say yes. They might not think high of you, they might think less. If your thoughts are shirked by others, and you know you are right. Look up straight, stand and fight. People might think different, people might despise you Remember all great men were mocked, but in the end those who didn’t follow were few Get the fear of being different outside you, you cannot be liked by all Remember you might fall, but what ever the result you will stand tall
Feel proud of what you are, before you try to become what you want to be Enjoy every thing you do, fill your words with joy for others to see People see you through your action Give them your best definition When all fall before you, when all behind fall back. Stand your ground, do not loose your track. You have to be in front to lead, and behind to follow. So stay and set an example for others to follow. If you made a mistake, look straight and say yes. They might not think high of you, they will think less. If your thoughts are shirked by others, and you know you are right. Look up straight and do not have a fright. people might think different, people might despise you remember all great men were mocked, but in the end those who didnt follow were few get the fear of being different outside you, throw the benifit of doubt outside remember you might fall, but what ever the result you will stand tall

Being a Child

I never want to grow up, I want to be a child
Picking myself when I fall down, wondering what went wrong
Learning everyday, absorbing everything I see
Looking at the times to come, and not the days that have gone

I never want to grow up, I want to be a child
Everyone looks the same, strangers’ apart treat all the same
Curious inquisitive, emotions true and not biased
Accepting what comes to me, not giving excuses lame

I never want to grow up, I want to be a child
Everyday is new, like staring into space and watch the dew
Work as if it were play, like what I am doing and put my heart into it
Imagine, feel happy for no reason unless I have a flu

I never want to grow up, I want to be a child
I can give a hundred reasons for not to grow
Can you give me one for why I should?But no matter how hard you try your age will show



Patience her biggest virtue, Eyes full of love and feelings so true. All ears for those in trouble, Does not bother others with her rubble. Her understanding her strength Her single tear can throw a dent. As a friend, a companion, or a mother Does not let her role falter


Fate might seem not smiling but grim, And destiny a distant dream. Succeed I didn’t but I will try, But each time I fail they make me cry. Dusting I pick myself again, Seeing that my efforts have been in vain Succeed I didn’t but I will try, But each time I fail they make me cry.

Pain is temporary pride is forever

Light is dim, he hears nothing His adversary in the ring stands in front of him, Cold, tired and helpless he looks at him He doesn’t hear the people about him scream He is not about to give up, so wont his friend Pain is temporary pride is forever From up the crow’s-nest he sees a lighthouse shine He watches as the lights grow brighter, His ship takes in water like an empty bucket dipped in a pool He stays while his mates leave, he is not sure if he will make it But he won’t give up Pain is temporary pride is forever His gun feels heavy, his head drowsy He can’t see clearly, he knows not how many are still out there He is surrounded but he wont pull back he won’t give up Pain is temporary pride is forever When you feel like giving up, when you feel all is lost Look inside if you still have the strength to go on. Because the pain will subside, but it will hurt your pride Pain is temporary pride is forever


Sailing through the winds,
Passing the storms with a little struggle,
Not knowing where to go or where I am.
My mind lingers about just one thought,When will I see you again

This thought gives me strength
To run and to pursue,
A destination I don’t know.
I take the path before me, think of tomorrow and not further
Hoping our paths will cross again

Nature has not been my best friend, but has been kind to me.
I put it in charge of the situation, and just do what is expected out of me and nothing more.
I cannot think to conspire, nor create to defy.
I don’t have the strength so I just linger on till something changes.
Hope it happens soon.

Live life

Love me for what I am good friend,
And I love myself for what I can be with you.
Madness runs in my blood and veins,
A craze to make my dreams come true.
Amongst the people I stand with, I stand aside,
Not because I am different, but I don’t have rules to abide,
I refuse to run to shade when it rains,
I refuse to abide for my personal gains.

If you say it is madness I agree,
But I choose this way to be.
Close to nature, close to mother earth
I think this is the best place to be.


I am no poet:)

I am not a poet this I must confess, I look at the breeze blow past the leaves I see it gently caress its surface The trees gently swaying in the passing wind I imagine a baby woken up by its mother, And being pushed to school, I am not a poet this I must confess. I am not a poet this I must confess, I see the rain pouring down on my roof Clattering, splattering and forcing its way through, I imagine a new artist trying for attention, Forcing his way into people’s minds. I am not a poet this I must confess. I am not a poet this I must confess, I don’t know to rhyme, I don’t know to phrase. My words never seem to fit into place, I try and try again to make them sound great I think by god it is my fate, I am not a poet this I must confess. Or am I?? :):)